3 Tips For Retiring When You Own Your Own Business

It can be difficult to know when to retire or how you should go about it no matter what type of job you do, but this is even more true when you own your own business. You may love your job because you feel that your business is your baby and you wouldn’t want to leave it for any reason, or you may simply feel like there is never a right time to retire, even though you can feel your body beginning to slow down. 

If you own your own business and are getting older, you may be curious how to figure out when it is time to retire, sell your business, or pass it down. This can be stressful, so to help make it easier on you here are 3 tips for retiring when you own your own business. 

Plan Ahead

Occasionally, people are forced to retire quickly and without much notice due to unforeseen circumstances. That being said, most of the time you will have some notice or be able to see or feel it coming. Once you start to near retirement age, it is smart to plan for your retirement. 

For example, who will take over the business once you retire? Will you be completely hands-off, or still work from home? Will you be selling the business or passing it down to a family member? What are the logistics of that? There are so many questions to be answered, and only you can answer them!

The faster you make these types of plans, the easier the entire process will be for everyone – including yourself! 

Put Money Into Retirement Savings 

Aside from just making a general plan for your retirement, you should also make sure you are saving plenty of money and putting it into a special retirement savings account. This is especially important because when you work for yourself and not for another company, you most likely are not putting money into a retirement savings plan through work, so it is up to you to set something up for yourself. 

Building your own retirement savings will save you when you need to retire and will enable you to do whatever you’d like with your retirement, which is what you truly deserve! 


Many people choose to downsize their homes when they retire by getting rid of things they don’t need and even moving into a smaller, more manageable home. If you own your own business, you can do this with your business too! 

Downsize well before you retire so that there is less to take care of once you decide to take that step. It’s all about creating less future stress for yourself.

Reaching retirement age and choosing to let your business go in some capacity can be sad, difficult, and stressful. Hopefully these tips can help make it less so!